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Hissa Warrior Series

A decade after losing all their females and half their male population, the Hissa are desperate to keep their species going. Then several of their warriors stumble across human females who can successfully mate with the Hissa. These women aren’t average human females. Grown in vats, these Decanted humans have DNA mixed and melded with other species to give them whatever specific traits are ordered. Then they’re sold to the highest bidder.


Because slavery is illegal on Earth, they were sold far and wide in the galaxies. Some were sold as ornamental slaves, meant to stand around looking interesting. Others were sold as slave labor and some as pets. 


But now that the Hissa are aware of them, they’ll stop at nothing to track down as many of these women as they can find and bring them home.

Decanted women will be the saviors of the Hissa race, but in ways neither could imagine.

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Rescuing Halin

Hissa Warrior, Book 1

Mian Sorrow, an independent bounty hunter, has dedicated her life to chasing down the same kind of raiders that killed her parents. When a defenseless transport gets attacked, there’s no question she’s going to intervene. But rescuing Halin, the handsome Hissa on board, is one thing. Being talked into a suicide mission to the Bicoma system is something else entirely. Against her common sense, she finds herself agreeing to help the attractive Hissa warrior and acting as his personal escort to Bicoma. As they travel together, Mian finds herself getting attached to the charming male. He’s everything she likes: adventurous, skilled, fun, and fearless. Assuming they survive a visit to the Bicoma homeworld, what happens when the mission is over? What happens when she needs to go back to hunting down raiders and he returns to his people? What neither of them knows is that nothing will be the same after visiting Bicoma. This is a stand-alone novel with an HEA. There will be space battles, harrowing rescues, and lots of sexy time. This work of fiction is meant for 18+ readers only. Please use the Amazon “Look Inside” option to view trigger warnings.

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Buying Tiran

Hissa Warrior, Book 2

Created, along with her sister, to be an ornamental slave, Mara’s life starts as a piece of property. After years of captivity, she and her twin sister managed to gain their freedom but are quickly parted. Mara learns not only how to survive but also how to thrive in a universe that isn’t kind to humans. Determined to find her sister, she carves out a life as a small cargo hauler and gives herself the last name Lost. Every chance she gets, she searches, combing through every port and station she visits. She attends distasteful slave auctions and investigates any rumor of a human that looks like her, ever hopeful that someday she’ll be reunited with her twin. At one particular slave auction, she doesn’t find her sister but instead finds herself purchasing an angry, roaring, giant of a man belonging to a species she’s only heard about but never met before. Regretting her impulse purchase the moment the transaction is done, she decides to release him with a few credits on the next station she visits. She doesn’t have time to fool around with anyone, let alone some furious, gorgeous, hulking male who’s much too appealing for her peace of mind. Unsure about her intentions, Tiran attacks his new owner the moment he gets the chance. He plans to subdue her to gain his freedom, but he doesn’t want to hurt this female who’s done nothing to injure him yet. To his shock, not only does she evade his attacks, but she manages to knock him out. Him, a well-trained Hissa warrior that towers over this slight female! Then after he attempts to overpower her, she is kind and gentle with him. This stranger who bought him at an auction only to promise to let him go requires more analysis. And considering how beautiful she is, perhaps the analysis should be done naked. To Mara’s surprise, the fact that she manages to put him on the floor seems to make the male far more interested than she’s ready for. The next thing she knows she’s fending off attacks of affection and bouts of protectiveness instead of attempts to take over her ship. All too soon her own heart is in danger, and she’s not sure that’s a risk she’s willing to take. Buying Tiran contains an HEA and can be read as a standalone novel. It takes place during the same timeline as Rescuing Halin, Hissa Warrior Series, Book 1. This novel is intended for 18+ audiences. Please use the “Look Inside” feature on Amazon to view the trigger warning.

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Temping Selon

Hissa Warrior, Book 3

Created to be an ornamental slave, along with her twin sister, Lara Stray couldn’t be more different than her dynamic sibling, Mara. While Mara managed to gain her freedom and eventually earn enough to own a ship of her own, Lara found herself being owned again. The twins couldn’t have led more different lives. Lara’s path led her to be deeply traumatized, resulting in a fear of men and crowds. Which is just perfect when her sister Mara and mate Tiran rescue her from a ship under attack. Of course, they’re not alone. They’ve brought along a whole civilization of Hissa warriors desperate for females. What could possibly go wrong? Although Hissa wants her to heal and find a male among them to enter into a Family Pact, Lara’s convinced her broken mind will never allow her to get close to any of these males, let alone engage in intimate relations. But then Selon enters her orbit, and everything seems to change. He’s perfect. She feels calm around him. She can breathe and even talk about her past. Could this be the male for her? Would he even want someone as fundamentally broken as she is? Could she find peace and happiness after so many years of succumbing to anxiety and panic attacks? But most importantly, can she find it in herself to fight her fears to keep this male in her life? Tempting Selon can be read as a standalone with an HEA, although there are recurring characters from earlier novels in the series. This book is meant for an adult audience, 18+ readers only. Please use Amazon’s “Look Inside” option to view the trigger warning

Defying Kilan

Hissa Warrior, Book 4

Deena Clanless, originally Deena Addington, is a human woman made to order by the Addington family. Because this human family lived far from Earth-controlled space, they decided to have a woman specifically designed and shipped out to be a wife and provide the next generation of Addingtons. During her time with the Addington family, she’s treated with extravagant neglect. Given anything she asked for, she finds herself learning to pilot. When she gets the chance to escape an abusive husband and uncaring family, she walks away from the only home she’s ever known. She learns to make her way in the universe with her skills as a pilot and her own will of iron. Many years later, she finds herself surrounded by a species called the Hissa. The strange mix of DNA used to create Decanted human females means she’s biologically breeding compatible with the Hissa, who lost so many of their population to a horrible plague a decade earlier. But she has no intention of sticking around now that her good friend Lara is happily mated with one of their males and has a child of her own. She only came to Hissa to help Lara reconnect with her twin sister, Mara. That job done, she’s ready to figure out how to get off-planet and back into the role that suits her best: independent pilot. She hits a snag when she finds herself trapped with Kilan, the only Hissa on the planet that doesn’t seem to like her. To make matters worse, she goes into heat while they’re both stranded in the middle of the dense Hissa jungle. Forced to sleep with him to relieve the worst of the symptoms, she doesn’t expect him to become so loving, or for her heart to start thawing. But their few days together will cause a cascade of problems that have the potential of ripping apart Deena’s vow to be independent again. And Kilan’s strange actions toward her aren’t helping. The only answer, as far as Deena is concerned, is to get as far away from Kilan and all the Hissa as soon as she can. Too bad fate has other ideas.

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Healing Mavito

Hissa Warrior, Book 5

Raleen Burden doesn’t know where she came from. Well, that’s not entirely true. She knows she’s Decanted, a made-to-order human grown in vats in the far-off Earth system. But she doesn’t know who bought her and why she ended up in a little traveled area of the universe floating in a life pod far from anything. No ship debris, no nearby station, no inhabited planet. Nothing but her as a baby housed in a cheap, short-range lifepod. No one ever claimed her, so the kind Tavarian family who found her also adopted her. It wasn’t until she left the folds of her adopted family that she noticed something odd. Unlike other humans, she only has three fingers on her left hand, and they end in black, claw-like fingernails. She didn’t bother thinking much about that oddity until one day a sick child bumped into her at a busy space station. Giving in to an overwhelming urge, she sank those three claw-like fingernails into the child’s skin. That’s when she discovered she can heal. Better than nano technology. Better than a medpod. Better than anything else out there. She can see right into a body and mend it. That first incident went unnoticed, but later instances got her attention she didn’t want. Forced to hide her gift, she works at menial jobs and keeps moving from place to place, always a step ahead of those looking to use her gift for their gain. All that ends when she’s forced to heal someone in front of witnesses. Soon she finds herself held against her will and enduring whatever her captors’ demand. Then a battered and wounded Hissa named Mavito is dumped in her cell with her. They want the Hissa warrior to get her pregnant. But she has other ideas because she’s not going to let them kill this male once they’re done with him. Little does she know that she gained not only an accomplice for escape, but a male determined to stay by her side even after they’re free. They might escape the facility trapping them, but Mavito has no interest in letting her escape him. Healing Mavito is part of a series and a larger story arc, but can be read as a standalone and includes an HEA. This book is meant for mature audiences, 18+ readers only.

Claiming Yopin

Hissa Warrior, Book 6

Mouse might be a small human female and Yopin the most massive Hissa warrior there is, but it turns out they’re well matched. Mouse is dangerous in her own way, and Yopin wouldn’t have it any other way. After being rescued from a derelict spaceship by Hissa warriors, Mouse finds herself transported to the distant planet of Bicoma to recover. The Hissa are kind and welcoming to her as she recuperates. After all, they’re overjoyed to have found another Decanted human female. Decanted humans are a mix of human, Hissa, and a few other species' DNA grown in a vat. It turns out that Decanted human women are breeding compatible with the Hissa. The Earth company that made them had sold most of the Decanted children as slaves to galaxies far from Earth’s system, so the Hissa are busy tracking down every Decanted woman they can find. This means that every Hissa warrior she meets hopes she’ll pick him as a mate. But every time they try to get close to her, they cause her pain. Sometimes it's so bad she has a panic attack. It’s for this reason, among others, she needs to get away. But the Hissa are much too diligent in guarding her against threats, making it impossible to sneak off Bicoma. She has no choice but to reveal a secret that will force them to allow her to leave—the existence of her sisters. Although they are at war with the Kaklans, the Hissa agree to let Mouse travel away from the secure Bicoma system to retrieve her sisters. When she requests the massive Hissa warrior Yopin as a personal guard, everyone’s mildly surprised. What none of them understand is that for Mouse, Yopin is everything calm. While all the other Hissa men make her head hurt, Yopin acts as a shelter for her easily overwhelmed brain. She’s never explained what she can do to anyone, fearful that once the information about her ability gets out, the Hissa might overreact. Yopin's serene presence makes it easier to keep her secrets safe. But all those secrets will begin unraveling, and to her surprise, Yopin fights to remain at her side. He has no intention of letting his little Mouse down. He would move planets to see that she gets what she's dreamed of: her entire family together in a safe place. And he is big enough to make it happen or die trying. Claiming Yopin is the sixth book in the Hissa Warrior series, but it can be read as a standalone. This novel is meant for mature audiences, eighteen or older readers only.

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Teasing Woken

Hissa Warrior, Book 7

Now that Safena’s healed and no longer living a life of pain, she refuses to watch life happen around her. Woken isn't sure his newfound serenity will survive her adventures! Born with a rare genetic condition, Safena didn’t have a single memory not marked by debilitating pain. Thankfully, her mother was strong enough to run away from an abusive Kaklan community, finding a remote planet to hide herself and her daughters. Instead of being executed because she was an expendable, useless, sick, female child, Safena got to grow up surrounded by her affectionate and caring sisters. But then she grew into a sick, useless adult. A burden to her family. Now that life is over. The Hissa have taken all her sisters to their homeworld where they’ll be safe to pick Hissa partners and have children. Desperate for mates for their males, the Hissa are willing to pour resources into healing and caring for Safena, even though she’ll never be able to bear them children. Safena takes her newfound health as a sign to go out and have all the experiences she’d been denied her entire life. No one’s going to stop her from exploring the universe, not even a bossy Hissa who thinks he wants her as a mate. She’s confident Woken will give up on courting her eventually. He has to because she can’t have the children every Hissa male dreams about. But if he insists on sticking by her side, then he'd better be prepared for an adventure because she’s done living a safe, quiet life. She’s a woman reborn; there are no limits!

Defending Revin

Hissa Warrior, Book 8

After a lifetime of slavery, Kamaril is finally free. She just wishes she understood what it means to be free. Kamaril has spent her life as a slave, raising and tending the fierce minari pets the family sells and trades as a matter of prestige. As a Decanted human, she was originally created and shipped off as part of a breeding pair. When the Decanted male didn’t survive the trip to the Anavac planet far from human-controlled space, and the wealthy family couldn’t get a replacement right away, they turned to raising minari instead. She’s spent her entire life surrounded by the fierce creatures, living each day de-voted to their care. Then one day a group of males from a species she’s never seen before arrive. The next thing she knows her ownership has been transferred and she’s leaving the only home she’s ever known, as well as the precious minari that are as close to family as she’s ever had. These men call themselves Hissa and claim that she isn’t a slave anymore. They say she could have a child if she wants one. That she’s free. But she finds their ship overwhelming and the attention of so many unnerving. Then she meets Revin, and life on board the ship isn’t so difficult anymore. Revin would give his life to protect any of the Decanted women, but Kamaril makes him want to surrender his heart. He doesn’t only want to protect her, he wants to hold her tight and whisper soft words in her ear. He wants to find out how to make her smile and spend his nights curled around her in a warm bed. He wants so many things, but he worries that her life as a slave has made her unable to refuse him anything. How can he make sure she wants to be with him rather than agreeing because she per-ceives him as safe? It will take an unexpected attack and dire circumstances before Revin truly understands how strong Kamaril really is.

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Trusting Warik

Hissa Warrior, Book 9

After a lifetime of slavery, Kamaril is finally free. She just wishes she understood what it means to be free. Kamaril has spent her life as a slave, raising and tending the fierce minari pets the family sells and trades as a matter of prestige. As a Decanted human, she was originally created and shipped off as part of a breeding pair. When the Decanted male didn’t survive the trip to the Anavac planet far from human-controlled space, and the wealthy family couldn’t get a replacement right away, they turned to raising minari instead. She’s spent her entire life surrounded by the fierce creatures, living each day de-voted to their care. Then one day a group of males from a species she’s never seen before arrive. The next thing she knows her ownership has been transferred and she’s leaving the only home she’s ever known, as well as the precious minari that are as close to family as she’s ever had. These men call themselves Hissa and claim that she isn’t a slave anymore. They say she could have a child if she wants one. That she’s free. But she finds their ship overwhelming and the attention of so many unnerving. Then she meets Revin, and life on board the ship isn’t so difficult anymore. Revin would give his life to protect any of the Decanted women, but Kamaril makes him want to surrender his heart. He doesn’t only want to protect her, he wants to hold her tight and whisper soft words in her ear. He wants to find out how to make her smile and spend his nights curled around her in a warm bed. He wants so many things, but he worries that her life as a slave has made her unable to refuse him anything. How can he make sure she wants to be with him rather than agreeing because she per-ceives him as safe? It will take an unexpected attack and dire circumstances before Revin truly understands how strong Kamaril really is.

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