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This series explores the start of humans becoming beloved pets of the Talins. This series takes place several hundred years before Human Pets of Talin series.

Creating Captivity

Origins, Book 1

A chance encounter forges a symbiotic relationship between Talins and humans that will eternally entwine both groups’ lives. When Ari Lee and her community signed a contract with Miox Minerals, an Orlok-owned company, they never expected to be abandoned on a remote mining outpost. After almost a year of no supply shipments or any messages from the company, the humans are getting desperate. They’re all underweight and facing the last of the food stores. Even worse, some of the biosystems are failing. Even if they can make the food last, the oxygen won’t. Bazium embodies everything the Tomak Clan is famous for: a powerful warrior, clever soldier, and loyal Squad Leader. But he has a secret that’s killing him. He’s suffering from a rare disease. Only a deep sense of obligation to his family, clan, and species keeps him diligently working. He leads an elite squad of soldiers who secure areas captured during war. Left badly disillusioned and mentally suffering from the last assignment, he decides he’ll complete this last mission before quietly ending his own life. He would rather everyone think his suit failed on a derelict planet than be discovered dying of the shameful disease nicknamed the Fading. Bazium’s squad runs across a site showing signs of life. Prepared for resistance, he and his warriors storm the facility only to find it inhabited by a small and helpless, unknown species. Bazium and his team decide to help the unfortunate creatures until they can figure out what to do with them. As the leader of the miners, Ari needs to keep these warriors from killing everyone. Assuming they survive first contact, she needs to convince this new species to let the humans stay and work the mine. But how in the name of diamond drill bits will she do that without proper translation software? What she doesn’t expect is to find herself and all the humans treated like simple-minded beasts of labor. As if she was a small pet from Old Earth, the leader of these warriors keeps purring and cuddling her. Who knew purring could be so sexy? And it doesn’t help that he carries her around and constantly urges her to eat. This treatment might be a little annoying, but it is also adorable. Then there’s the way this warrior makes her feel when he holds her and changes the tone of his purr. She never thought she’d find a non-human so damn attractive, especially someone she couldn’t even talk to! But this guy with his hard-armored body and rumbling purr is doing all kinds of crazy things to her libido. She’s not sure what her future holds, but she’s going to be sad if he’s not in it. Although it’s part of a larger series arc, this novel can be read as a standalone and has an HEA. This book is meant for mature audiences of eighteen or older only.

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Gossamer Chains

Origins, Book 2

Rain is a Human in need of help. Rain and the thirty other humans living on Omanal are in trouble. Well, not just them, almost everyone living on Omanal’s only arable land is suffering. Several gangs have developed over the last few years, and now they’re competing for territory. The Massoc, the species that owns the planet, can’t be bothered to deal with the rapidly escalating brutality. If the farmers of Omanal stop producing, the Massoc will simply sell the planet off to a company or species that might not let Rain and her people stay there. This means Rain and her people are caught between a rock and a hard place. They need to remain productive or lose the land their families have been working for the last hundred years. They’re also forced to contend with constant stealing and the potential for violence around every turn from the gangs. Desperate for help, Rain posts an advertisement on all the closest space stations. The offer is simple: protect the humans and land in exchange for all the food they can eat and a home of their own. She hopes to entice retired military personnel or mercenaries who want a safe place to settle. What she gets is a massive warrior in his prime from a species she’s never seen before. And not a moment too soon because the competition between the gangs has turned into an all-out war. As an individual, she’s not sure how much he’ll be able to do, but she’s hopeful and welcomes him into her home for however long he agrees to stay. It doesn’t hurt that he purrs and turns out to be the cuddliest individual she’s ever met! She won’t blame him when the violence becomes too much and he leaves, but she’s determined to enjoy him while he’s there. Hesarium is a Talin in search of a human of his own. Along with a fellow Talin and one human, Hesarium is on a mission to find humans and bring them back to Talarian. While they’re stopped at Ki-Jol station, he finds a request for aid on a notice board. Something about it convinces Hesarium it was written by a human. His companions leave him behind to investigate. He finds a planet dangerously close to the type of war that will destroy everything. As much as he wants to sweep up all these humans and save them, it’s not so simple. For them to find a new home among the Talins, they’d need to wear collars so they can be declared pets. They’d be cherished and never need to suffer insecurity or work another day in their life, but in exchange, they have to willingly give up their freedom. It becomes apparent quickly that the key to persuading the humans is convincing a female named Rain to agree. As an added bonus she’s the one he’s living with and by far the most beautiful human he’s met so far. He’s determined to compel the humans to leave with him before the gang wars raging around them take any more victims, especially his Rain.

Golden Cages

Origins, Book 3

When a disillusioned male meet up with a strong female, their lives will be changed for the better. Unfortunately it’ll be a bumpy ride! Iris Iris doesn’t think her life could get much better. She and Mia are doted on by Palathum, their Talin owner. They’re surrounded by kindness and comfort while traveling to exotic places and having experiences Iris never imagined possible. When they come across a human male at a slave auction, Palathum promises to purchase the angry man. The price isn’t what anyone expects. Damascus, the Talin who bought the human first, wants passage to a remote Talin outpost on Palathum’s ship. Palathum agrees but Iris has reservations. She can sense a darkness in Damascus that both worries and intrigues her. She has the length of their journey to decide if she wants to let the darkness swallow him or try to help him see the light. Damascus Disillusioned with both the Talin Empire and his role in the war with the Orlok, Damascus has only one mission left in life. Once that’s done, he’s not sure what he’ll do—perhaps drink himself to death. Finding something to trade with Palathum for a ride was a stroke of luck. Now all he has to do is keep his distance from the sweet-smelling human female, Iris. That would be easier if she didn’t keep seeking him out, her questions filling his earholes with her gentle voice while her intriguing scent surrounds him. This might be the longest trip he’s ever experienced.

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Purring, Presents, and Parties

Origins Holiday Novella

When a disillusioned male meet up with a strong female, their lives will be changed for the better. Unfortunately it’ll be a bumpy ride! Iris Iris doesn’t think her life could get much better. She and Mia are doted on by Palathum, their Talin owner. They’re surrounded by kindness and comfort while traveling to exotic places and having experiences Iris never imagined possible. When they come across a human male at a slave auction, Palathum promises to purchase the angry man. The price isn’t what anyone expects. Damascus, the Talin who bought the human first, wants passage to a remote Talin outpost on Palathum’s ship. Palathum agrees but Iris has reservations. She can sense a darkness in Damascus that both worries and intrigues her. She has the length of their journey to decide if she wants to let the darkness swallow him or try to help him see the light. Damascus Disillusioned with both the Talin Empire and his role in the war with the Orlok, Damascus has only one mission left in life. Once that’s done, he’s not sure what he’ll do—perhaps drink himself to death. Finding something to trade with Palathum for a ride was a stroke of luck. Now all he has to do is keep his distance from the sweet-smelling human female, Iris. That would be easier if she didn’t keep seeking him out, her questions filling his earholes with her gentle voice while her intriguing scent surrounds him. This might be the longest trip he’s ever experienced.

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