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Sci-fi and Paranormal
Romance Author

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I'm excited to announce that I'm contributing a short story for the Evil Hearts (A Monster Romance Charity Anthology).  
Fangs for the Help

Ours Evermore Short Story

Cassi needs help. She’s pretty sure her younger sister is being held captive by a cult, but no one will do anything because Andi is 19. It’s up to Cassi to figure out how to rescue her naïve sister.


Once she’s exhausted all official and legal ways to get Andi out, Cassi turns to the magical world. She only knows it exists because her older sister married a harpy, but blackmailing a powerful vampire might provide the help she needs.

 What she doesn’t expect is for the vampire to laugh in her face. Then he makes a counter offer: Cassi spends one night with him and his two men (a gargoyle and wolf shifter) in exchange for her sister’s safety.

It’s not a hard choice because the three men are gorgeous and Cassi’s single. After it’s all over she can go back to her normal life—or so she thinks!


This Short Story will include a possessive vampire, protective gargoyle, and sensual wolf shifter. All three will make it impossible for Cassi to say goodbye after only one night. She's going to need a lifetime of nights!


You can find all my books on Amazon here:

If you don't want to swipe through everything, here are my books organized by series:

- Sci-fi Romance - 

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- Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Romance - 

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Free Books

Don't worry, you can get all three of these novellas by signing up for my newsletter. Simply pick one, enter your email address and your first email will have links for all of them.


Signing up for my newsletter means you get deleted scenes and short stories you can't find anywhere else. You'll also be informed about sales, free books, and new releases. My Newsletter only comes out once or twice a month and it always had fun stuff inside!

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Tender Captivity

 A Human Pets of Talin Novella (Sci-fi, Alien, MF Romance)

Tropes: purring, scent bonding, learning to trust, recovery from loss 

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His Alpha Mage

An Alpha Series Novella (Paranormal, MF Romance)

Tropes: male nurturing an ailing partner, recovery, learning to love

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Tag, You're It!

An OursEvermore Series Novella (Paranormal, MMF, Shifter Romance)

Tropes: hurt/comfort, protective alphas,  found family

Coming Soon!

Golden Cages
Origins, Book 3

When a disillusioned male meet up with a strong female, their lives will be changed for the better. Unfortunately it’ll be a bumpy ride! Iris Iris doesn’t think her life could get much better. She and Mia are doted on by Palathum, their Talin owner. They’re surrounded by kindness and comfort while traveling to exotic places and having experiences Iris never imagined possible. When they come across a human male at a slave auction, Palathum promises to purchase the angry man. The price isn’t what anyone expects. Damascus, the Talin who bought the human first, wants passage to a remote Talin outpost on Palathum’s ship. Palathum agrees but Iris has reservations. She can sense a darkness in Damascus that both worries and intrigues her. She has the length of their journey to decide if she wants to let the darkness swallow him or try to help him see the light. Damascus Disillusioned with both the Talin Empire and his role in the war with the Orlok, Damascus has only one mission left in life. Once that’s done, he’s not sure what he’ll do—perhaps drink himself to death. Finding something to trade with Palathum for a ride was a stroke of luck. Now all he has to do is keep his distance from the sweet-smelling human female, Iris. That would be easier if she didn’t keep seeking him out, her questions filling his earholes with her gentle voice while her intriguing scent surrounds him. This might be the longest trip he’s ever experienced.

The Twelve Nights of Halloheen
A Human Pets of Talin Holiday Mashup Novella

*The 12 Night of Halloheen was originally written for Supra Velum, a charity anthology. I have the rights back now and will re-release it with a bonus short story.* Isla grew up in the impoverished human colony of Wimol with limited knowledge about Old Earth. One thing she did learn about was Halloheen. The ancient human holiday fell during the few times of year when they didn’t have to work every day, all day, so her colony made it the yearly celebration. No detail was missed. They made cookies in the shape of hearts and gave them to the people they loved. They spun a top in a game no one knew the rules to, so rules changed from year to year. They dressed in costumes and judged each other’s efforts. They hung green leafy plants from doorways and every time two people passed under them, they had to rub cheeks. Each night for twelve days they celebrated in different ways, and on the last night, they stayed up to watch the sunrise while remembering deceased loved ones. Wimol’s Halloheen celebrations were Isla’s most treasured memories. She now lives on Sorana along with Zia and a bunch of other humans, protected and cared for by Talins. Life is better here, but it’s not the same. This small colony of humans and Talins isn’t cohesive. The colony is new, and everyone is focused on completing tasks, which leaves no time for eating together or visiting. Isla longs for the tight-knit community she grew up in. Tisuran has lived in close contact with humans for many solars, but Isla is the first human who’s caught his attention. He can tell she isn’t content, so he decides the best way to lift her spirits is to celebrate a Halloheen. None of the traditions make sense to him, but he hopes his efforts will make Isla happy, and perhaps even help her notice him. After all, Isla told him Halloheen was a time for wishes to come true, and having her attention is his only wish. (This novella is set on Sorana and falls between books 4 and 5 of the Human Pets of Talin series.)

Purring, Presents, and Parties
An Origins Holiday Novella

It’s been a year and a half since Baz and his crew rescued Ari and her people from an abandoned mining station. After some mishaps all the humans had agreed to take on the guise of pets so they could live on the Talin homeworld, Talarian. Life has gotten better in almost every way, but for Ari there’s something missing, and she can’t seem to figure out what. Baz can tell Ari’s unhappy and is desperate to make her joyful again, but how? She won’t talk to him and there’s nothing physically wrong with her. If it’s one thing the former Advance Squad Leader knows how to do, it’s reconnaissance. With so many humans at their compound, someone must be able to give him insight into Ari’s current mood. Baz will stop at nothing to make Ari smile again, and if it means he has to enlist every human and Talin in their compound to recreate an Old Earth holiday called Chirstmass, then that’s what he’ll do! This holiday novella will feature sincere effort, acts of devotion, and some adorable cultural misunderstandings. Most of the story will focus on Baz and Ari, but we’ll also check in with other couples, most notably Rain and Hes, and Aubrey and Tarrian.

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Deck the Skulls
Ours Evermore Holiday Novel

Rissa Quitting her job in a spectacularly violent way, Rissa storms out of a popular bar swearing she’ll gut the next person who crosses her! Instead of going home and cooling down, she ducks into Sanguine, a small bar she’s never noticed. Ready to spend her last twenty on something good, she doesn’t expect to be captivated by the handsome bartender. Then his husband shows up To her shock, these two won’t leave her alone. If she’s being honest, she doesn’t want to be left alone! Anatoly As a vampire, Anatoly might be a creature of the night but he’s not interested in the nightlife of San Diego’s Gas Lamp district. Unfortunately Zan, the only member of his beloved flock, adores people and socializing. Incapable of denying Zan anything, Anatoly financed Sanguine, a bar specifically created for magical creatures. Normally he spends the night lurking in a corner of the bar while Zan flitters between customers, chatting, and skillfully crafting individually tailored cocktails. On one of the rare nights Anatoly is forced to assume Zan’s role as bartender a human woman wanders right past the wards. She’s a fiery and exquisite creature. He won't let her get away. Zan Returning to his bar after helping a friend, Zan finds his normally grumpy vampire kissing a stranger. At first he’s incensed, then realizes she’s his mate. The only thing left is to ease her into their world and woo her into their bed! Deck the Skulls is a holiday novella featuring a human woman with a hard shell hiding her soft center, a powerful vampire determined to claim another member of his flock, and a gregarious mountain lion shifter who simply wants everyone to have a good time…and drink alcohol!

My writing schedule

I work very hard to meet my deadlines but occasionally life happens and dates need to be changed. I promise to always keep everyone up to date on the rare chance I have to change the schedule.

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